Monday, November 18, 2013

Yoga Excursion

A good friend of mine has been doing what she calls "#inversionexcursion" on Instagram. What you do is anytime you do an inversion, standing on your hands or forearms, have someone take your picture and post it to your instagram.  Easier said than done however, it will take a lot of practice but sounds like a fun journey.
I am just trying starting to get into yoga and am excited to start trying something new and find out what my body can accomplish! I hope you feel like a challenge, try it along with us!  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

One easy, small change to your lifestyle.

I always knew grapefruits were good for you, so I did some research because it's smart to know what you are eating.  Grapefruit has become my favorite drink and food.
There are so many benefits to eating or drinking grapefruits why wouldnt you eat it?! I sometimes drink grapefruit juice a couple times a day! I splash a tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey, mix it up! Makes it not taste so tart.
Grapefruit can help stop an itchy mosquito bite by rubbing the peel right on the bite! Easy as that! Grapefruits have heeling, anti-oxidant properties that also help with dry, rashy skin.  As well as, helping to prevent wrinkles! Just rub the peel right on your face to cleanse. I like it because my skin feels sooo refreshed!
Adding grapefruit to your diet is an easy way to increase your water intake for the day! Bam! Just like THAT!
Challenge yourself to add grapefruit to your diet and see how you feel!